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If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 911. If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, please contact the crisis hotline at 713 970-7000.
Below is a list of local and national crisis resources.
National Suicide Hotline1-800-SUICIDE / 1-800-784-2433
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline1-800-273-TALK/ 1-800-273-8255 If you are a veteran please select option number 1
LGBTQIA+ Switchboard713-529-3211
Sexual Assault Crisis Hotline713-528-RAPE / 713-528-7273
Crisis Hotline-Suicide Prevention713-468-5463
Crisis Intervention of Houston713-468-5463
Houston | The Harris Center for MH and IDD Crisis Line713-970-7000
Houston | The Harris Center for MH and IDD - Mobile Crisis Outreach Team713-970-7520
English | National Domestic Violence Hotline1-800-799-7233
En Espanol | National Domestic Violence Hotline1-800-787-3224
National Aids Hotline1-800-342-2437
En Espanol | National Aids Hotline1-800-344-7432
National Aids Hotline for the Deaf1-800-243-7889
Mental Health and MesotheliomaClick here for more info.
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